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The protagonist of the story is a shadow puppet. Living in a confined setting, the shadow puppet repeats the same actions day after day according to the script of the shadow play, living a life controlled by others through the rods attached to his body. One day, he decides to rebel. He notices a door in the distance to his left. So, at the intersection he passes through every day, instead of proceeding forward as usual, he decides to turn left and push open that door. As he approaches the door, he realizes that the rods controlling him are restricting his steps. He tries his best to remove the rods from his body and gradually makes his way towards the door. Pushing it open, he steps into a broader world.


Our group wants to use this story to reflect on some of the real-life challenges people may encounter. Throughout life, individuals may face various restrictions or constraints, such as parental expectations, limitations imposed by practical circumstances, societal judgments, and stereotypes, among others. It's akin to being controlled like a puppet on strings. We hope you find the courage to break free from these constraints, push open the door that confines you, and embrace the broader world that belongs to you.

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